Wine: Slovenia announces sue to EC over 'Teran'
Derogation to use name of vine granted to Croatia
19 July, 12:28(ANSA) - LUBIANA - Slovenia's Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Dejan Zidan announced that he will sue the European Commission over the decision to grant Croatia a derogation to use of the name 'Teran'. The act will come into force on Wednesday and will allow to use the name of the vine variety exclusively for Croatian wine ''Hrvatska Istra'' (Croatian Istria). This decision was made by Brussels since the two countries did not find any agreement on the name Teran, wine protected designation of origin registered by Slovenia but also requested by Croatian producers. The decision can be rejected by the majority of the European Parliament or by a super-qualified majority of members, that is 72% of the MPs representing at least 65% of the population.