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W.Balkans: Tusk spurs EU to care about region development

EU Council President wrote to EU leaders ahead Sofia's summit

15 May, 19:10
(ANSA) - BRUXELLES, 15 MAG - "Apart from the political declarations about the future of the Western Balkans, "we must demonstrate that we care about the economic development of the region here and now," the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, wrote in a letter sent to the 28 EU Leaders ahead of EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia, scheduled on Thursday, 17th. It is the first time since Thessaloniki's Summit in June 2003 that all the European Union and Western Balkans' leaders meet together.

The main focus of the agenda is connectivity within the Western Balkans and between the region and the EU. "Investing in infrastructural and human connections with and within the Western Balkans region is in the EU's best interest. And the objective of our summit is to prove it," Tusk pointed out in his letter. The European Council President is also "convinced that the EU is the only partner that cares genuinely about the stability of the entire region and a prosperous future for its peoples - as opposed to treating it as a geopolitical game of chess, in which the people are pawns." The European perspective for the Western Balkans "should remain a firm commitment on both sides," Tusk underlined.(ANSA).

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