ألبوم الصور (PhotoGallery)

أعادة وضع يد التمثال الروماني الضخم الشهير للإمبراطور قسطنطين في روما بعد وصول إصبع من متحف اللوفر في باريس

Redazione Ansa

The hand of the famed colossal ancient Roman statue of Emperor Constantine has been put back together in Rome after a finger arrived from the Louvre in Paris, the Capitoline Museums said Thursday, in Rome, Italy, 29 April 2021. The bronze hand is on display in the Marcus Aurelius Exedra together with other bronzes, formerly in the Lateran Palace, gifted to the Roman people by Pope Sixtus IV in 1471. ANSA/ CLAUDIO PERI

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