
5-Star Movement MP probed for alleged sexist insults

Rome prosecutors open investigation after PD women complain

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, January 31 - Rome prosecutors have placed Massimo De Rosa, a MP with the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, under investigation for allegedly making sexist insults to female colleagues from the Partito Democratico (PD) party during a heated Justice Committee parliament session on Wednesday which culminated in scuffles and slaps being exchanged. Following the fracas, seven female members of the PD party filed police reports against De Rosa for allegedly saying they had only become MPs because they performed oral sex on people in positions of power. He has denied this, saying he had simply suggested that some people, men and women, got into parliament because they had performed some sexual favours. Lower House Speaker Laura Boldrini, who belongs to the PD, on Thursday denounced the events, branding them as very serious.

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