
Pope'following Lenin' but 'asks right questions' - Economist

Francis takes 'ultra-radical line' on capitalism, magazine says

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) London, June 23 - Pope Francis is following Lenin in adopting an "ultra radical line" on the ills of capitalism but the pontiff is "asking the right questions" about modern society, the Economist magazine says.
    "By positing a link between capitalism and war, he seems to be taking an ultra-radical line: one that consciously or unconsciously follows Vladimir Lenin in his diagnosis of capitalism and imperialism as the main reason why world war broke out a century ago," the Economist says in a blog entitled "Francis, capitalism and war: the pope's divisions" analysing a recent interview Francis gave to La Vanguardia newspaper.
    "... But then in contrast with his cerebral predecessor, Francis does not pretend either to be an academic philosopher, political scientist or economist ..." "He observes what he calls the 'idolatry of money' in some places and hungry children in others ... he concludes that economists must be missing some important point," the Economist continued "Francis may not be offering all the right answers, or getting the diagnosis exactly right, but he is asking the right questions," the Economist concluded, "like a little boy who observes the emperor's nakedness.

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