(ANSA) - Rome, November 13 - Premier Matteo Renzi is likely to put his government's controversial Jobs Act labour reform to a confidence vote in the Lower House, the economy pointman for his centre-left Democratic Party (PD) said Thursday. The PD is divided over the bill, which features changes to the rules on unfair dismissal, and the executive used a confidence vote in the Senate last month to snuff out internal dissent there.
But there is a risk as the government would collapse if it lost a confidence vote.
"A confidence vote in the House is a concrete possibility and it's what the premier is orientated towards," Filippo Taddei told La7 television. "The debate is ongoing but what counts is the timeframe and the results". Jobs act:Taddei,fiducia possibile,è orientamento Renzi ++ Il dibattito è in corso ma contano i tempi e i risultati ROMA (ANSA) - ROMA, 13 NOV - "La fiducia alla Camera? E' una concreta possibilità ed è l'orientamento del Presidente del Consiglio. Il dibattito è in corso ma contano i tempi e i risultati". Lo dice il responsabile per l'economia e il lavoro del Partito Democratico Filippo Taddei è intervenuto questa mattina a Omnibus parlando del Jobs act.
Renzi likely to put Jobs Act to confidence vote - update 2
Premier is 'orientated' towards this, says PD economy pointman