
Soccer: Furore over official's 'money for lesbians' jibe

Amateur League President Belloli denies making comment

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, May 14 - A furore has broke out over allegations that an important Italian soccer official described women's soccer teams as a "handful of lesbians".
    The comment was allegedly made by Felice Belloli, the head of the national amateur league (LNC) at a meeting on funding for women's soccer.
    In the minutes of the meeting, Belloli is quoted as saying: "That's enough, we can't always talk about giving money to this handful of lesbians".
    The minutes have been sent to Italian Soccer Federation (FIGC) prosecutors so they can decide whether to open a sporting probe. Belloli denies ever making the slur.
    "It needs to be proven that those words are mine," Belloli told ANSA. "The minutes can be written by anyone. It's necessary to show that I said those things and I deny this".

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