
Vatican court declines to dismiss Fittipaldi case (3)

Journalist argues can't defend self if no charges brought

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Vatican City, November 24 - A Vatican court on Tuesday rejected a defence motion to dismiss a case against journalist Emiliano Fittipaldi. The defence argued it can't make a case for its client because the court hasn't specified the charges. The Vatican has indicted Fittipaldi and another journalist and author, Gianluigi Nuzzi, in the so-called Vatileaks 2 case along with three others.
    Monsignor Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, his former assistant Nicola Maio and PR expert Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui were charged with leaking classified Vatican documents.
    Nuzzi and Fittipaldi are on trial for using the leaked material in books documenting alleged waste and mismanagement in the Vatican and lavish spending by clergymen. Fittipaldi told the court he can't defend himself because the indictment "doesn't contain the least description of the charges against me - not even an implicit one". The court failed to say what leaked documents he is supposed to have used in his recently published book, Avarice.

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