
Camusso denounces lack of post-2008 financial regulations

'We continue to pay the consequences' says trade union leader

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Perugia, December 11 - The leader of Italy's biggest trade union, Susanna Camusso of CGIL, on Friday railed against a lack of regulations following the 2008 financial crisis.
    "The promise that the world made to itself in 2008, that there would never again be toxic finance, derivatives, non-transparent and ungoverned finance, didn't translate into regulations or constraints," Camusso said, commenting on the plight of reportedly more than 100,000 bond holders who lost money as a result of a November government decree to save four struggling Italian banks.
    One of the bondholders who lost his savings, Luigi D'Angelo, committed suicide.
    "Today we're continuing to pay the consequences of a world that financialized itself without rules", said Camusso.

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