(ANSA) - Milan, January 14 - The merger of Wind and 3 Italia
has created Italy's largest mobile operator, with a 33.8% market
share, a study by R&S Mediobanca said on Thursday.
The merged group surpassed communications giant Telecom,
which has a 32.3% market share.
Between 2010-2014, growth doubled for PosteMobile, the
mobile operator offered by the nation's postal service, to reach
a market share of 3.7%.
The study showed there's still room for growth for virtual
mobile operators, with commercial SIM cards offered by companies
Poste, Coop, Carrefour and Tiscali holding a combined share of
7.1%, much less than Germany, which has a share of 24% for the
same indicator.
Wind-3 merger creates Italy's largest mobile operator
PosteMobile growth doubled, to reach 3.4% market share