
New laws coming into force banning smoking in cars with kids, pregnant

Also higher sanctions, shock images on cigarette packages

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, February 1 - New anti-smoking regulations based on EU directives will be progressively introduced in Italy, with the first going into effect on Tuesday, ANSA sources said on Monday.
    The new measures are aimed at curbing smoking among young people, and include a smoking ban in cars with minors or pregnant women.
    In addition, cigarette and loose tobacco packages will now be printed with so-called combined warnings that include "shock" photos and images along with text.
    Other measures going into effect, but which weren't required by the EU directives, include a smoking ban in front of hospitals, a ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors, and higher fines for selling tobacco to minors, including license revocation.

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