(ANSA) - Rome, February 24 - Italy's National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) on Wednesday moved to block two contracts won by a company involved in a Monza probe into suspected kickbacks in the Lombardy health sector. The two contracts won by Servicedent both concern dental-sector services.
Northern League Lombardy regional councillor Fabio Rizzi and his live-in girl Lorena Lidia Pagani are among those to have been arrested in a probe into alleged corruption in the outsourcing of hospital dentistry services in the northern region. In total 21 people were arrested or otherwise cautioned in a probe into allegedly illegally won contracts worth over 400 million euros.
The scandal has led to calls for Lombardy Governor Roberto Maroni to resign.
Cantone moves to block two Lombardy health contracts
ANAC to freeze contracts in dental services sector