
UK top destination of Italian migrants - ISTAT

Followed by Germany, Switzerland and France

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, December 6 - The United Kingdom draws the highest number of Italian immigrants in Europe, Italy's statistics bureau ISTAT reported on Tuesday.
    Some 17. 1% of Italian migrants pick the UK, followed by Germany with 16.9%, Switzerland with 11.2% and France with 10.6%, ISTAT said in its report on international and internal migration trends.
    An increasing number of Italian university graduates over 25 years of age leave the country, a reported 23,000 in 2015, up 13% on the previous year, according to the report.
    Emigration however has also increased among Italians with a lower secondary degree, with 52,000 such migrants reported in 2015, up 9% on 2014, ISTAT said.

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