
Gentiloni government faces Lower House confidence vote

New premier to outline programme

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, December 13 - A Lower House confidence vote on the programme presented by new Premier Paolo Gentiloni will take place at around 18:45, whips decided on Tuesday. The new premier, who was sworn in on Monday along with his ministers, will address parliament at around 11:00. Former foreign minister Gentiloni replaces Matteo Renzi, who who quit after losing a referendum on his flagship Constitutional reform week ago on Sunday.
    The new government will aim to steer Italy towards fresh elections as soon as a new electoral law is framed, while overseeing earthquake reconstruction and budget moves and meeting key international dates such as the March anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and the May summit of the Group of Seven. Its most immediate task is an EU summit on Thursday where the 2017 budget will be among the talking points. There will be another confidence vote in the Senate on Wednesday. Most of the new cabinet were carry-overs from the government of Renzi.

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