(ANSA) - Naples, Naples 20 - A case in which ex-premier
Silvio Berlusconi was convicted of bribing Senators to switch
sides has timed out under Italy's statute of limitations, a
Naples court said Thursday.
In the first-instance trial Berlusconi was sentenced to three
years, as was his former associate Valter Lavitola.
De Gregorio says the three-time premier and he had adopted
a strategy of "urban warfare" against Romano Prodi's shaky
center-left 2006-08 coalition government and testified that he
had agreed to "gradually" switch sides and involve other
lawmakers in exchange for three million euros.
He said one million euros went to fund his movement "Italiani
nel mondo", Italians in the world, and the other two million
were paid to him cash by the former editor of the Avanti!
newspaper, Lavitola, who was also on trial in Naples.
He added that when payments were late he disobeyed orders
by Berlusconi's centre-right Forza Italia party to vote against
the government "to send out a signal" and that Lavitola would
"run off to solve the problem and came back with the money".
Lavitola was originally convicted of acting as a go-between
in the case of De Gregorio.
Prosecutors alleged that Lavitola tried to bribe other
Senators who have not been identified.
Former premier and ex-European Commission president Prodi
testified that he had no idea that Senators were allegedly
bribed to topple his government in 2008.
Berlusconi bribing Senators case times out (3)
Ex-premier, Lavitola got 3 yrs