
4.7 mn Italians in absolute poverty in 2016 - ISTAT (3)

1.62 households, figures steady over 2015

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, July 13 - Some 4.742 million Italians in 1. 619 million households were in absolute poverty in 2016, ISTAT said Thursday, saying the figures were steady over 2015. But the rate of absolute poverty rose from 18.3% to 26.8% between 2015 and 2016 among households with three or more minor children, affecting 137,7771 households and 814,402 individuals.
    The rate also rose among minors, from 10.9% to 12.5% (1.292 million). ISTAT said absolute poverty was double if the head of the household was a factory worker, and that 8.465 million people were in relative poverty.
    The no.2 of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI), Msgr Nunzio Galantino, condemned the figures. "I should like these huge figures to move consciences and political agendas," said the CEI secretary-general, adding that "there are enormous outcasts that cannot be left at the margins".
    Politicians, especially opposition ones, called on the government to combat this "scourge".

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