
FAO, World Bank launch $36 mn programme for Yemen

Middle Eastern country hit by famine amid conflict

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, October 4 - The World Bank and the Rome-based United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said Tuesday that have launched a $36 million project aimed at providing immediate assistance to over 630,000 poor and food-insecure people in Yemen - more than 30 percent of whom are women - as well as increasing longer term agricultural resilience in the conflict-ridden country.
    With an estimated 17 million people facing Emergency or Crisis levels of acute food insecurity, Yemen is currently experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. The ongoing conflict has severely affected the agriculture sector and has had a devastating impact on the food security, nutrition and livelihood of Yemenis. "The project will have a strong humanitarian impact in Yemen, as it will provide emergency support and help in building the resilience of the vulnerable Yemeni population," said Abdessalam Ould Ahmed, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for the Near East and North Africa. "Since agriculture is one of the most important economic sectors in Yemen, reviving agricultural activities will increase people's access to food as well as income-generating activities, which means greater food security.
    "But the project also goes beyond immediate humanitarian assistance," Ould Ahmed added. "The project will strengthen the capacities of the Yemen Social Development Fund, government agencies and local NGOs to restore the capacity of Yemeni farmers who lost their livelihoods due to ongoing conflict and ensure they will be able to maintain crucial access to their livelihood in years to come".

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