
Renzi-Boschi 'persecutors' of bank savers - Di Maio (3)

'Passed decree that left thousands destitute'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Catania, October 23 - Anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio said Monday that ex-premier and Democratic Party (PD) leader Matteo Renzi "massacred savers and now wants to be their champion. "He and (Cabinet Secretary Maria Elena) Boschi are the persecutors of Italian current-account holders, not the saviours". Di Maio said "when they do their media show on (Governor Ignazio Visco) and the Bank of Italy to show they want to safeguard savers, they should remember that when they were in power not only did they favour the banks but in 20 minutes they passed a decree to save Boschi's bank and leave thousands of savers destitute".
    Banca Etruria, where Boschi's father Pier Luigi was vice president, was one of four regional lenders rescued in a bail-out that left many savers holding worthless bonds.
    One Banca Etruria former bondholder, Luigino d'Angelo, killed himself.
    The government subsequently had to pass measures to compensate the savers who had been tricked into buying risky junior bonds.
    The other banks were Banca Marche, Cassa di Risparmo della Provincia di Chieti (CariChieti) and Cassa di Risparmio della Provincia di Ferrara (CariFe).
    They were saved, turned into good banks and taken over by bigger lenders.

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