
'Honour to Traini' banner put up near Macerata

'No Fascist resurgence' says mayor

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Macerata, February 9 - A banner honouring Luca Traini, a far-rightist who shot and wounded six African migrants in Macerata last Saturday, was found in a village near the Marche city on Friday. The banner reading "Honour to Luca Traini" was draped overnight on the former aqueduct at Morrovalle. Mayor Stefano Montemarani had it taken down as soon as he heard the news at around eight o'clock in the morning. He said he believed it was not put up by local people, because "in Morrovalle there is no Fascist resurgence". But the first citizen described the episode as "worrying". It is not the first banner honouring Traini to be put up. One was unfurled Tuesday night on Rome's Milvian Bridge.

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