
Elliott wants to pull 6 TIM directors

Including president de Puyfontaine

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 15 - The Elliott fund and two other allied partners on Thursday asked the TIM board to revoke six directors including the president, Arnaud Roy de Puyfontaine, and the deputy executive president Giuseppe Recchi, replacing them with six of their own. The other four directors Elliott International, Elliott Associates and The Liverpool Limited Partnership want replaced are Hervé Philippe, Frédéric Crépin, Félicité Herzog and Anna Jones.
    Four of these directors are linked directly to shareholder Vivendi while two are independents but still elected in the majority partner's list.
    Elliott and the other two investors want thjem to be replaced by the following six: Fulvio Conti, Massimo Ferrari, Paola Giannotti De Ponti, Luigi Gubitosi, Dante Roscini and Rocco Sabelli. TIM said it would add the issue to its agenda for a shareholders meeting on April 24.

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