(ANSA) - Rome, March 19 - The average waiting time for an appointment for a specialist examination or test on the national health service is 65 days, according to a study released Monday by C.R. E.A. Sanità for the CGIL trade union. This compares to an average wait of seven days at private health facilities and six days via the 'intramoenia' system for the private provision of health services at public facilities. The public waiting times have increased by between 20 and 27 days in the three years between 2014 and 2017, according to the study based on research in four regions, Lombardy, Veneto, Lazio and Campania, which account for 26 million people, 44% of the Italian population. For example, the average wait for a public appointment with an eye specialist went up to 88 days in 2017 from 61 in 2015.
The wait for an orthopedic examination has gone from 36 days to 56.
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