(ANSA) - Rome, March 19 - Anti-migrant Euroskeptic League
leader Matteo Salvini phoned centre-right Forza Italia (FI)
leader Silvio Berlusconi Monday and confirmed the two allies'
engagements to mull recent talks with other parties on electing
parliamentary Speakers in Italy's hung parliament.
Salvini, the centre right's premier candidate, will soon also
speak to the third ally, far-right Brothers of Italy (FdI)
leader Giorgia Meloni, to arrange a summit in Rome on Wednesday.
This will give them a chance to assess talks with the
anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S), the centre-left
Democratic Party (PD) and the leftwing Free and Equal (LeU)
party, sources said.
The League came out on top on the centre right with about
17.5%, to FI's 14%, making Salvini the premier candidate. The
centre right coalition won 37% of the vote but did not get a
The M5S was the top individual party with 32% but also did
not get a majority.
The PD got under 19%, its lowest score ever, prompting the
resignation of leader and ex-premier Matteo Renzi and the
appointment of deputy secretary Maurizio Martina as caretaker