
Boeri 'on Mars' if thinks more migrants needed-Salvini

Interior minister says INPS chief practising politics

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, July 4 - Interior Minister and Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini on Wednesday blasted INPS chief Tito Boeri for saying Italy needed more legal immigration for the sustainability of its pension system. "(Boeri says that) more migrants are needed to pay the pensions, that scrapping the Fornero (pension reform) would cost too much, that more migrants are needed to do the many jobs that Italian people no longer want to do," said Salvini, who is also deputy premier and leader of the rightwing League party.
    "The INPS president continues to practise politics, ignoring the desire to work (and have children) of many Italians.
    "Where does he live, on Mars?".

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