
High level of job insecurity in Italy - OECD (4)

Italy 3rd for unemployment, positive jobs trend will continue

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Paris, July 4 - There is a high level of insecurity in the Italian labour market, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development said Wednesday, placing Italy fourth on the issue behind Greece, Spain and Turkey.
    The OECD also placed Italy third for unemployment but said that a "positive trend in employment" would continue.
    Real incomes will however fall, it said.
    Less than one out of 10 unemployed Italians gets any form of benefit, the organisation said.
    OECD chief Angel Gurria said the Jobs Act labour market reform, which the government i set to overhaul, was a "huge" achievement and Italy "should preserve it".
    The OECD added that there was "much to be done" to improve the precarious nature of much work in Italy.
    It also said the government should try to free up a "rigid" jobs market.

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