
Battisti new CEO of rail operator FS

Castelli appointed president by Transport Minister Toninelli

Battisti new CEO of rail operator FS

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, July 30 - Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli named a new CEO and president of Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) on Monday after sacking the former chiefs of the railway company last week. He said Gianfranco Battisti will be the new CEO and Gianluigi Vittorio Castelli will be president. "We have put two excellent managers from inside the company in the top two posts, which will show those who accused us of wanting to occupy positions," Toninelli said via Facebook. Former CEO Renato Mazzoncini said Thursday that his dismissal was down to the "decision of the new government to apply the spoils system".

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