
Confusion continues over vaccines-school admission

Amendment presented to extend self-certification

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, September 6 - Confusion continued on Thursday in relation to the obligation for children to be vaccinated to be admitted to school for the upcoming educational year.
    On Wednesday it was announced that the majority in parliament supporting the League-5-Star Movement (M5S) government would present an amendment to keep 10 vaccinations compulsory for admission to nursery schools.
    But on Thursday an amendment was presented that would allow parents to self-certify that the vaccination obligations had been respected rather than providing the actual vaccination documentation. In a first vote in a parliamentary committee on extending the self-certification, two ruling alliance lawmakers, one from the League and one from the M5S, voted against the amendment extending self-certification, which was presented to the mixed 'milleproroghe' decree.
    School heads and doctors have urged the government to end the "chaos" resulting from a law stating the compulsory nature of the vaccinations and a circular saying self-certification would be enough to secure school admission.

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