
Factbox: Salvini's security-migrant decree

Citizenship revoked for people convicted of terror felonies

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, September 24 - The 'Salvini decree' on migration and security is made up of 42 articles.
    The first 16 in the draft that went into Monday's cabinet meeting featured measures regarding the granting of residence permits, international protection status and citizenship.
    PERMITS. The residence permit for humanitarian reasons is scrapped and replaced by 'special permits'. These can be granted to victims of serious exploitation, victims of domestic violence, people whose country of origin has been hit by disaster, people needing medical treatment and those who have performed acts of high civic value.
    REVOKING ASYLUM. The decree extends the scope to deny or revoke international protection status for people who have committed crimes of sexual violence, serious bodily harm, violence against a public official, aggravated robbery, and drug trafficking. Furthermore, asylum applications can be suspended if a person is considered socially dangerous or has been convicted in a first-instance trial. LONGER STAYS AT REPATRIATION CENTRES. The maximum length of a stay at a repatriation centre (CPR) goes from three to six months to make it easier to deport migrants who do not have the right to stay. The decree also stipulates that the centres should be renovated and more CPRs built. Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has said several times that he wants one in every region. If a CPR is overcrowded, migrants awaiting identification can also be hosted at difference facilities.
    REPATRIATION FUND. The decree allocates 500,000 euros to beefing up repatriation activities in 2018, with 1.5 million more for 2019 and 2020 each. CITIZENSHIP REVOKED FOR TERROR CRIMES. Italian citizenship is to be revoked for people convicted of terrorism felonies.

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