
Spread will fall when markets know budget - Conte

Want to cut debt through growth says PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, September 28 - The spread between Italian and German bond yields will fall when markets get to know the details of the 2019 budget bill, Premier Giuseppe Conte said Friday.
    Conte added "we want to cut debt but with growth".
    He also said the resignation of Economy Minister Giovanni Trai had never been on the cards and the government would last until 2023.
    When asked about President Sergio Mattarella's rumoured intervention to persuade Tria to stay on to calm the markets, Conte urged journalists not to set up the president as a "counterpoint" to the government.
    Asked about European Economic Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici's stressing the importance of cutting debt, Conte said " I don't look to the expectations of EU commissioners".
    Conte added that Italy was in "dialogue" with the EU and stressed "we're not a problem for Europe".
    He added that reform of of public contracts will be launched "within a month".

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