(ANSA) - Rome, October 4 - Deputy Prime Minister and Interior
Minister Matteo Salvini reiterated Thursday that no ships
intending to disembark migrants would be allowed to land in
He said he knew that a ship run by leftist, anticapitalist
and anarchist squats called social centers was "wandering around
the Mediterranean for a humanitarian mission and that it will
try to disembark migrants in Italy.
The ship has been named Mediterranea.
The mission has been launched by several Italian associations
- including Arci Nazionale, Ya Basta of Bologna, the NGO
Sea-Watch, the online magazine I Diavoli and the social
enterprise Moltivolti of Palermo - and is supported by
representatives of the world of culture and social entities.
The main boat will be accompanied by a schooner that will
support the various operations.
"When the law creates death, it is our duty to disobey,"
organisers said.
Leftist ship rescuing migrants 'won't land in Italy'
Interior minister vows