
Cars with foreign plates to be banned after 60 days

Measure in security decree to prevent misuse

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, November 8 - Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli said Thursday that a measure has been inserted into the government's security decree banning people who have been residing in Italy from over 60 days from driving vehicles with foreign license plates. He noted that, though the measure features some exceptions, it seeks to stop people using cars with foreign license plates to avoid paying taxes, insurance and fines. "Those that violate the ban will have to pay a high fine and, if they do not register the vehicle here, their cars may be confiscated," he said in a statement.
    He added that he was "very proud of this measure, which tries to curb an unfair practice that is unfortunately very common and that hurts us all by not paying taxes".

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