
Patience almost run out on TAV - Boccia

Rally of 3,000 business folk in Turin

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Turin, December 3 - Italian businesses' patience over the government's postponement of the TAV high-speed rail line between Turin and Lyon is "almost at an end", Confindustria employers' group chief Vincenzo Boccia said Monday.
    The 5-Star/League government has put the project on ice while a cost/benefit analysis is carried out at the request of the 5-Stars, who are against the project.
    The League, on the other hand, is in favour of it going ahead.
    Speaking at a rally of 3,000 businessmen to call for new infrastructure starting with the TAV, Boccia said "if we're here it's because our patience is almost at the limit.
    "If we are here, artisans, merchants, cooperatives, industrialists, someone should ask themselves why.
    "We are making economic policy proposals to avert damage to the country".
    The 'No-TAV' movement against the project said the employers were "only afraid of losing a rich contract of public money" and did not have the general interest at heart.

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