
Demolition work on Genoa's Morandi bridge starts

Key road reopens after August 14

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Genoa, December 20 - Demolition work on Genoa's Morandi bridge started on Thursday.
    A building under the western part of the bridge that is still standing will be torn down.
    In addition, a deadline for owners of 266 homes to sell their property in the area under the bridge affected by the collapse in order to get compensation expires on Thursday.
    Meanwhile, Via Perlasca, a key road connecting the city, reopened for the first time since the August 14 collapse, a disaster that claimed 43 lives.
    Transport and Infrastructure Minister Danilo Toninelli on Wednesday said a new viaduct that will replace the Morandi bridge will be opened in 2020. The 202-million-euro project for the new bridge was inspired by world-renowned Genoese architect and life Senator Renzo Piano, 81.

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