
Macron meddling in Venezuela says M5S undersecretary

Ignoring principle of non-interference says Di Stefano

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, January 24 - Ruling anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) Foreign Undersecretary Manlio Di Stefano on Thursday accused French President Emmanule Macron of allegedly breaking with the EU line and "meddling" in Venezuela by recognising opposition leader and self-proclaimed new president Juan Guaidò as head of state over President Nicolas Maduro.
    "The principle of non-interference is sacred," said Di Stefano.
    "Whatever our vision of things is, of Maduro, of Chavism and the political relations in South America, any change in Venezuela must happen in a political, democratic and non-violent context.
    "Macron is ignoring these obvious points, it taking a discordant position from the EU, which asked for a political process and not the recognition of a self-proclaimed president".

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