
US worried about Italian Silk Road involvement - envoy

Ambassador Eisenberg voices 'sorrow' at agreement with China

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 1 - United States Ambassador to Rome Lewis M. Eisenberg on Monday expressed disappointment that Italy signed a memorandum of agreement last month for China's Belt and Road Initiative. The massive infrastructure plan seeks to create a sort of modern Silk Road to better connect China to Europe and Africa.
    "It's a good thing that 5G has been removed from the Italy-China memorandum, but there is sorrow that Italy has become the first G7 country to sign the Silk Road agreement," Eisenberg told a convention for the 70th anniversary of NATO at the Centro Studi Americani (American Studies Centre) in Rome.
    "The USA cannot share information with countries that adopt Chinese technologies.
    "There will be long-term implications.
    "We are seriously worried about the consequences for NATO interoperability. "Everyone wants to do business with China, but there are information threats".

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