(ANSA) - New York, April 17 - Italian Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini features in Time's new list of the world's most influential people.
Salvini, the leader of the rightwing League party, has made the ranking of most influential leaders that also includes US President Donald Trump, Pope Francis, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, rising Democratic Party star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Russiagate Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Trump's former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon described Salvini for the American weekly.
"From humble beginnings, Salvini is now the most talked-about politician in Europe - and by the end of May, after the European parliamentary elections, could well be the most powerful," Bannon wrote.
(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 17 APR - A descrivere Salvini per il Time e' Steve Bannon, l'ex stratega della Casa Bianca. "Salvini e' ora uno dei politici di cui si parla in Europa, ed entro la fine di maggio, dopo le elezioni europee, potrebbe essere anche il più potente", scrive Bannon.
Salvini on Time's 100 most influential list
Steve Bannon describes Italy deputy premier for American weekly