
Pope Francis highlighting migrants' plight during Way of the Cross

Mediations prepared by missionary nun Eugenia Bonetti

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Vatican City, April 19 - Pope Francis will highlight the plight of the victims of human trafficking during the traditional Good Friday Way of the Cross ceremony at the Colosseum.
    The meditations the pontiff will recite at the 14 stations of the cross were written by Eugenia Bonetti, a 80-year-old missionary and head of the 'Slaves No More' Association who has devoted her life to helping women victims of human trafficking and sex slavery.
    The Argentine pontiff will call on people to reflect on the situations of the homeless, jobless young people, migrants forced to live on the margins of society, children who are discriminated against because of the color of their skin or their social class and girls who are forced onto the streets by groups of slave traffickers.

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