(ANSA) - Vibo Valentia, July 2 - Italy will not back a
German-French backroom deal to divvy up the top EU jobs between
themselves, Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini
said as appointments talks went into their second day Tuesday.
"The important thing is that Europe's future is not decided
in talks between Berlin and Paris alone," he said.
"But this morning too we got up to see divvying up
hypotheses: the Commission to the Germans and the central bank
to the French.
"There are 28 states in Europe.
"So we don't understand why the decision must always pass
from Berlin to Paris, from Merkel to Macron.
"A pre-arranged backroom solution that excludes all the
others and satisfies only the French and the Germans will not
have Italian support".
The talks were forced into a second day after Italy and the
Visegrad Group vetoed Dutch Socialist Frans Timmermans as new EC
Italy won't back German-French EU divvying up - Salvini
No Italian support for deal for EC to Germans, ECB to French