
No-TAV protestors vow to stop Turin-Lyon rail link

Movement announces demo after Conte backs project's completion

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Turin, July 24 - The 'No-Tav Movement' of Susa Valley in Piedmont said Wednesday that it is determined to keep fighting to stop the Turin-Lyon high-speed rail link after Premier Giuseppe Conte said he was in favour of its completion.
    "The idle chatter of the last few months is over," the movement said in a statement announcing a march towards the Chiomonte TAV worksite on Saturday.
    "The government has tossed away this last mask too, coming into line with the positions of all the previous ones. Now it's up to us". Protests against the project have turned violent in the past.
    The former mayor of the town of Venaus, Nilo Durbiano, said he was fearing the worst.
    "The climate in the Susa Valley is, at best, one of disappointment," Durbiano said.
    "They are playing with fire.
    "I fear violence but this is instigation to violence".

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