
Quakes hit Florence area, churches damaged

Historic buildings, convents damaged too, schools closed

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Florence, December 9 - Historic buildings, churches and convents were damaged in the Mugello area south of Florence as a series of earthquakes hit the area Sunday night and Monday morning, the strongest measuring 4.5 magnitude.
    High-speed train services between Milan and Rome were interrupted for a couple of hours after the 4.5 mag tremor.
    Delays of over two hours are currently being reported.
    Many people left their homes because of fear or safety reasons.
    Former Florence mayor, ex-premier and former Democratic Party (PD) leader Matteo Renzi, who now leads the new centrist Italia Viva (IV) party, said "I hug all those who have had to leave their homes".
    PD leader Nicola Zingaretti, the governor of neighbouring Lazio, said "we are close to all the citizens affected".
    Many schools in the area were closed as a precautionary measure.
    Immediately after the biggest quake an aid and cultural association from the large Chinese community in Prato set off for the Miugello area.
    Florence Mayor Dario Nardella said there were no problems for local mobility and that all roads and bridges were safe.

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