
Coronavirus: 8,310 lockdown violations reported Tuesday

Some 115,000 people cited for breaching measures since 11/3

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 25 - On Tuesday, Italian police checked 228,057 for compliance with regulations brought in to counter the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, amid the global pandemic. A total of 8,310 people were cited. Some 89,845 commercial activities were checked as well, with 126 business owners reported and 13 ordered to suspend their activities. The Italian interior ministry noted that 2,472,925 checks on individuals had been made between March 11 an March 24, 110,626 of whom were cited for violating the measures in place and 2,541 for making false statements to a public official.
    In the same period, 1,151,202 businesses were checked and 2,506 owners issued citations.

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