
COVID 'burns' 116 bn of consumption

10.9% national average drop, 16% in Trentino says Confcommercio

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 31 - The COVID epidemic will burn up 116 billion euros in consumer spending in Italy in 2020 with an average of 1,900 euros a head, retail group Confcommercio said Monday.
    The fall in consumer spending will be 10.9% on 2019 at a national level, it said.
    The biggest regional fall will be in Trentino with 16%.
    Molise will have a fall of 7.2%.
    The north is the worst hit area with an 11.7% drop, with almost 60% concentrated in its eight regions and with Lombardy showing the biggest drop of 22.6 billion euros.
    The south will have a drop of 8.5%. (ANSA).

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