
Salvini pelted with tomatoes near Naples

League leader blasts "uncivilized" reception

Matteo Salvini in Torre del Greco

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 11 - League leader Matteo Salvini was booed and pelted with tomatoes as he addressed an election rally in the town of Torre del Greco, near Naples, on Friday.
    "Those who throw tomatoes are not protesting, they are uncivilized," said Salvini, who was in the town as part of a tour ahead of elections in seven Italian regions this month, including Campania.
    Earlier this week a young woman from Congo pushed and shoved Salvini, ripping his shirt and breaking off the rosary around his neck, as he arrived for an election rally at Pontassieve near Florence. (ANSA).

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