
Conte signs new restrictions regime featuring curfew

Non-essential shops to be closed in high-contagion areas

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 4 - Premier Giuseppe Conte signed a decree overnight bringing in a new regime of restrictions featuring a curfew in order to combat the spread of COVID-19.
    Under the decree, which is set to come into force from Thursday until December 3, people will only be allowed to be out of the home from 22:00 to 05:00 for work or health reasons.
    Other nationwide measures are distance learning in high schools, the closure of museums, betting shops and bingo halls, and the closure of shopping malls at weekends.
    The nation's cinemas, theatres, gyms and swimming pools had already been closed by a previous decree.
    The new package creates a system of differentiated restrictions in different parts of the country on the basis of their contagion rates.
    The 'red zones' will be put into a form of lockdown for weeks, with non-essential shops and markets closed and a ban on movement into and out of these areas.
    People will only be able to do exercise near to their homes but, unlike in the national lockdown imposed earlier this year, barbers and hairdressers will be able to stay open.
    Distance learning will also be used for pupils in the second and third year of middle school in these areas.
    Children at elementary schools and the middle schools that remain open will have to wear facemasks all the time.
    Up to now pupils had been allowed to take off their masks while at their desks if there was physical distancing of at least one metre.
    In the 'orange zones,' where the contagion rate is high but not as bad as in the worst-hit areas, most non-essential shops will be able to stay open but bars and restaurants must close completely.
    Under a previous package of restrictions, bars and restaurants throughout Italy must stop serving customers at 18:00.
    People will be not be allowed to travel to different towns in red zones, even if they do not leave the perimeter of the zone, but movement between towns will be possible in orange zones.
    The government will reveal which areas of the country have been put into the various restriction tiers shortly.
    Public transport vehicles must not carry more than 50% of full passenger capacity and cruises will be stopped.
    People have also been asked to only use public transport if is absolutely necessary or for work.
    Public sector bodies and private firms have been told to put staff on remote working as much as possible. (ANSA).

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