
COVID: Couple aged 82 and 83 die same day

COVID: Couple aged 82 and 83 die same day

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - MILANO, 17 NOV - A coupe aged 82 and 83 died of COVID on the same day, 63 years after getting married, near Milan on Sunday afternoon, local media reported Tuesday.
    Vincenzo Molino and his wife Olga, a year older than him, had lived all their adult lives in the same flat at Sesto San Giovanni.
    "They didn't go out, they were very prudent, only granddad went shopping and to the pharmacy, but sadly they got ill," said one of their six grandchildren, Katia, who lives near Bergamo.
    "They'd celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary on September 26 and they were always together," she said.
    "I will carry with me the memory of my grandma, from Puglia, while she was preparing the orecchiette by hand, and granddad beside her who used to pick them up one by one to help her".
    When they were separated by COVID, Olga asked for Vincenzo's jacket to be brought to her room so she could feel close to him; katia said. (ANSA).

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