
Brescia top of ranking for PM2.5-smog-linked deaths

Bergamo, Vicenza and Saronno also in top 10

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 20 - Brescia is top of a ranking of European cities with the highest preventable mortality burdens for PM2.5 pollution in a new study published by The Lancet Planetary Health.
    Bergamo is second in the study by researchers from the University of Utrecht, Barcelona's Global Health Institute and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.
    Two other Italian cities were in the top 10, Vicenza (fourth) and Saronno (eighth). It said that Brescia would avoid 232 preventable deaths a year by applying WHO guidelines on PM2.5, while Bergamo would have 137 fewer deaths. (ANSA).

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