
Climate, COVID, EU-US ties in Mattarella-Biden talks

45-min talks also feature FM Di Maio

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 29 - The climate, the COVID-19 pandemic and relations between the US and the EU were the focus of talks in Rome Friday between President Joe Biden and his Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella, sources said.
    The talks, lasting 45 minutes, also featured Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, the presidential palace said.
Biden told Mattarella that he recognized the "excellent job" Italy had done on COVID-19 vaccines, sources at the talks said. He recalled that the US agrees on the need to vaccinate the most fragile countries without distinguishing between allies and others. Mattarella had introduced the topic of vaccines in the world, especially regarding the need to guarantee them to the most fragile countries. Biden recalled his proposal for a vaccine patent waiver and the two presidents also agreed on the need to build on the experience gained with international cooperation on the pandemic, in view of possible future ones.


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