
Greta Thunberg person of the year in Naples presepe

Climate activist shown in iconic garb in nativity scene

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 10 - Climate activist Greta Thunberg is the person of the year in one of the most famous 'presepi' or nativity scenes in the Naples street of presepe makers, San Gregorio Armeno in the ancient heart of the southern Italian port city.
    Award-winning artisan Genny Di Virgilio has depicted the 18-year-old Swede in her iconic yellow raincoat holding up the now famous "Skolstrejk for klimatet" (School strike for climate) placard.
    "She is certainly one of the best-known people in the world, who has succeeded in drawing into the streets hundreds of thousands of people, asking governments to take action as soon as possible, beyond chat, to defend the planet," said Di Virgilio.
    Other statuettes of Thunberg featured in other presepe in the street, which as usual was full of Christmas shopping throngs.

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