
Children aged two and four die in fire at Roma camp

Siblings were in bed when blaze broke out says eye-witness

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 17 - Two small children are dead after a fire broke out at the Stornara Roma camp near the southern Italian city of Foggia early on Friday, fire brigade sources said.
    The charred bodies of the children, a four-year-old Bulgarian boy and his two-year-old sister, were found in one of several shacks at the camp that went up in flames, the sources said.
    An eye-witness said the children were in bed when the blaze broke out.
    "The father had gone out to work in the countryside while the mum had gone to the bathroom," said Rosaria, a Romania woman who has lived at the camp for six months.
    "When the woman came back she found the shack in flames.
    "The children were sleeping".
    The fire may have stemmed from a wood-fuelled cauldron, the sources said.
    Around 1,000 people live at the Stornara camp. (ANSA).

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