
Fresh suicide ordinance for tetraplegic in Marche

After landmark Constitutional Court ruling on DJ Fabo/Cappato

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 1 - An Ancona court in Tuesday issued the second ruling in seven months that a tetraplegic patient should be give access to assisted suicide under a landmark Constitutional Court sentence regarding DJ Fabo.
    The man, 'Antonio', has been ordered to recieve information on how he can end his life, after last June's similar decision for 'Mario', a man who has been tetraplegic for 11 years, said the Luca Coscioni right-to-die association.
    Association chief and Radical Party member Marco Cappato was acquitted in December 2019 after he helped 40-year-old blind and tetraplegic Italian ex-DJ Fabiano Antoniani, better known as DJ Fabo, take his own life at a Swiss clinic in 2017.
    The Constitutional Court had ruled the previous September that assisting suicide is lawful in some cases, in a landmark ruling in Catholic Italy, where the Church is firmly against assisted suicide.
    photo: Cappato (ANSA).

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