
Boar bites woman on Genoa beach

Lured by smell of pizza, bites her on arm and flees


Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 12 - A wild boar bit a 57-year-old Italian woman on a Genoa beach last Friday, media reported Tuesday.
    The animal, attracted by the sell of the pizza the woman was eating, approached her, bit her on the arm, and ran away, various newspapers reported.
    The woman has been given a rabies shot.
    Boar have been making increasingly brazen incursions into Italian cities including Rome.
    Farm group Coldiretti said the number of the animals in Liguria was now over 80,000.
    Italy is carrying out a mass boar cull amid outbreaks of swine fever in Liguria, Piedmont and Rome. (ANSA).

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